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BCT Container Crane Relocations

Location: Port of Miami and Barranquilla, Colombia
Client: Barranquilla Container Terminal
Project: Relocate three low profile container cranes from the port of Miami to Barranquilla Container Terminal
In March of 2013 Global Rigging & Transport was contracted to relocate three container cranes from the Port of Miami to Barranquilla Container Terminal in Colombia.   GRT provided turnkey service for the relocations, including:
⦁    supply of all marine vessels
⦁    equipment for loading and unloading the cranes
⦁    engineering analysis of the docks and vessel for loading and unloading the cranes
⦁    motion study to develop accelerations for analyzing the cranes for forces at sea
⦁    design and supply of crane bracing and sea fastenings
⦁    ballast engineering for loading and unloading the cranes
⦁    ballast system for loading and unloading the cranes
⦁    mooring system for securing the vessel during loading and unloading operations
⦁    jacking system for raising the land side of the crane for the installation of 12 inch shims




Global Rigging and Transport (GRT) specialize in heavy equipment moves, crane services; crane moving, crane modifications and repairs, crane assembly and dismantling, heavy lift and transport, emergency response, project cargo, load testing, salvage, barge cranes and custom engineering.
GRT's engineering department can design custom applications to fit your rigging needs anywhere in the world. We have offices in Virginia (US), British Columbia (Canada), San Antonio (Chile) and Panama City (Panama). Contact us today!

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